Earn EMG hours with Branch Out Burlington!
Hey Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) - You can volunteer for Branch Out Burlington! and/or attend our educational events, and earn EMG hours! Here’s how it works. These BOB! events count for EDUCATIONAL hours:• Winter Seminar – a talk on a specific topic usually related to urban forestry (this year - February 14)• Annual Treekeeper Training - how to plant and care for a tree (this year - April 14)• Annual BOB! Tree Walk– tree walk held in Burlington (2nd Saturday in June)This BOB! event counts for VOLUNTEER hours:Burlington Community Tree Nursery Tree Planting event, with many tasks – something for everyone (first Saturday in May)!We welcome EMGs at our summer “weeding bees” and at our monthly meetings but there are no EMG hours to be earned at these events. If you have any questions, please contact BOB! member/EMG Nancy Knox email: ospreyvt@gmail.com