Tree Resources
How to plant a bare root tree
VJ Comai, Burlington City Arborist demonstrates how to plant a bare root tree in this video.
Plants are grouped by hardiness zones, which indicate their ability to withstand cold temperatures. The USDA developed these zones across the U.S. based on average annual minimum temperatures, helping gardeners choose plants likely to thrive in specific locations. Always verify a plant’s suitability for your zone, as some may not survive if winter temperatures drop unusually low.
Planting Guides
For optimal tree health and growth, match the tree's characteristics (size, growth habit, light and soil needs) to the site conditions (space, obstructions, soils, light, topography). Start by answering these four key questions.
Protecting the Investment
Planting trees is exciting and important. Like caring for a newborn, new trees need nurturing to grow strong and healthy. With proper care, life will be a shade better.
Additional Planting Guides
Tree Identification
iNaturalist This app identifies plants and animals, iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.
Ethan Tapper Chittenden County Forester – many good videos on tree identification and other topics
Go Botany by the Native Plant Trust
University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension Service
What Tree Is It? by the OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network) and Ohio Historical Society
Find Plants by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center – https://www.wildflower.org/plants/
Native Plants Database by the National Audubon Society – https://www.audubon.org/native-plants
Native Plants Finder by the National Wildlife Federation – https://www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/
Brockman, Frank C. Trees of North America, Golden Field Guides, 2001, St. Martin’s Press, ISBN: 1-58238-092-9.
Coombes, Allen J. Trees, 1992, Dorling and Kindersley Handbooks, ISBN: 1-56458-075-X.
Dirr, Michael Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs, An Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1997, Timber Press, ISBN: 0-88192-404-0.
Dirr, Michael & Warren, Keith S. The Tree Book: Superior Selections for Landscapes, Streetscapes, and Gardens, 2019, Timber Press, ISBN-10: 1604697148, ISBN-13: 978-1604697148
Dirr, Michael. Dirr’s Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs, 2016, Timber Press, ISBN-13: 978-0881929010, ISBN-10 : 0881929018
Harrington, H.D. How to Identify Plants, 1957, Swallow Press, ISBN: 0-8040-0149-9.
National Audubon Society: The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees – Eastern Region, 1980, Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN: 0-394-50760-6.
Pellet, Norman E. and Mark C. Starrett Landscape Plants for Vermont, 2002 Edition. Available from UVM Extension Master Gardener Program.
Pellett, Norman E. Native Shrubs and Vines for Northern New England Landscapes, 2001, Available from The Friends of the Horticulture Farm, PO Box 64788, Burlington VT 05406-4788.
Petrides, George A. Trees: Peterson First Guide to Trees of North America, 2nd edition 1998, Houghton Mifflin, ISBN:978-0395911839.
Petrides, George A. Trees and Shrubs, Peterson Field Guides, 2nd edition, 1973, Houghton Mifflin, ISBN: 978-0395175798.
Plotnick, Arthur The Urban Tree Book: An Uncommon Field Guide for City and Town, 2000, Three River Press, ISBN: 0-8129-3103-3.
Whitman, Ann H. editor, Familiar Trees of North America East, National Audubon Society Pocket Guide, 1986, Knopf Inc., ISBN: 0-394-74851-4.
Wojtech, Michael BARK A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast, 2011, University Press of New England, ISBN: 978-1-58465-852-8.
State and Local Organizations
There are many great local resources here in our own state. Here are links to a few of them.
State of Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program
State of Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation
Burlington Parks, Recreation and Waterfront (urban trees)
UVM Extension Master Gardener Program
Perry’s Perennial Pages (great links!)
Vermont Community Garden Network
Native Plant Trust HQ is Garden In the Woods, Framingham, MA; has a Vermont Chapter; Great place to visit, buy plants. Good book resources in shop/on line.