Lapins Cherry
A big, beautiful dark mahogany red cherry. These are some of the largest and juiciest cherries that grow on trees. The sweet taste is wonderful for baking and cooking. Highly resistant to browning. White flowers in late May, ripening late July to August. Prolific producer of cherries. Self-fruitful, additional pollinator tree not required. Grows to a height of 15-20 ft. Zones 4-8. 5 ft.
Mount Royal Plum
Blue European plum. Good eaten off the tree. Excellent for dessert, jam and preserves or drying. Tender juicy flesh; freestone. Showy fragrant blooms in early May, ripening date late August. Self-fruitful, additional pollinator tree not required. Grows to a height of 8-12 ft. Zone 4. 5 ft.
Minnesota Strain Redbud
Striking pink flowers in early spring before leaves appear. Gracefully ascending branches and a rounded shape. Heart shaped leaves emerge reddish turning to green. Easy to grow and care for. Does well in sun or part shade. Grows to a height of 20-30 ft and a width of 20-25 ft. Zone 4. 6 ft.
Red Sunset Maple
Green leaves in summer; brilliant red to orange color in fall. Fast growing and drought tolerant. Outstanding shade tree. Withstands strong winds. Plant as a specimen or in a classic row. Full sun. Grows to a height of 40-50 ft and a width of 35-40 ft. Zone 4. 5 ft.

Cully Heritage River Birch
Easily grown in full sun to part shade. A native species. Good alternative for underplanting green or white ash trees. River birch is perhaps the most culturally adaptable and this variety has improved tolerance to heat. Prefers moist, acidic, fertile soils including semi-aquatic conditions, but also tolerates drier soils. Height of 30–40 ft. Width of 25–35 ft. Zone: 4-9.

Reliance Peach
Beautiful rose-pink flowers open in springtime. Litter is not a problem with this crab, as the small bright red fruit never falls. The fruit makes excellent food for wildlife. Highly favored by birds. The foliage is glossy reddish-green, turning reddish-purple in fall. Exposure: Full Sun. Height: 15-25 ft. Width: 20 ft. Zone: 3.
Liberty Apple
Red skinned, high quality eating and cooking apple. Flesh crisp, juicy and sprightly. Early heavy bearer. Scab free and highly disease resistant. White flowers in spring. Requires a nearby pollinator of another apple or crabapple tree. Grows to a height of 30-35 ft and a width of 20 ft. Zones 4-8. 5 ft.
Amur Chokecherry
Fragrant, white flowers bloom in spring. Fruits are small, glossy cherries that mature from red to black. Rounded in form, this graceful tree grows to a height of 20ft and a width of 25ft.