Tree & Seedling Nursery
What is the Tree Nursery?
The Burlington Community Tree Nursery was established by Branch Out Burlington! (BOB!) in 1998 to signinsnowprovide a sustained source of low-cost trees to plant along Burlington’s streets and in the parks. It is a public/private partnership with the Burlington Department of Parks, Recreation and Waterfront. Every spring we plant over 120 bare-root saplings (5-8 ft tall) purchased from a commercial nursery. The trees are planted into special cloth “grow bags” that support healthy root growth and discourage stem-girdling roots. This growing system concentrates the root system within the bag and facilitates transplanting.
When is the Big Planting Event?
The annual tree planting day is a festive event on the first Saturday in May, which attracts 70-80 volunteers of all ages. Music is often provided by local musicians and a troupe of folk dancers often make an appearance. Refreshments are served with the work is done and everyone goes home with a door prize.
What do the volunteers do?
With the help of volunteers, we care for our trees through regular fertilizing, mulching, weeding, and pruning. Local college and high school students join us each year in the nursery, and we host monthly weeding events in summer to encourage community involvement. Each April, volunteers transplant trees that are ready for their permanent locations, with the Burlington Parks Department placing them in public spaces to expand our urban forest—over 100 trees annually.
The tree species we plant vary each year based on the city's needs, as recorded by the city arborist in the Street Tree Planting Plan. We ensure the trees are suitable for Burlington’s climate and the specific spaces available. Many trees are upright-growing species due to the narrow greenbelt areas, and those near power lines must not exceed 30-40 feet in height. Unfortunately, we often choose non-native species, as natives like the sugar maple are sensitive to salt and struggle in compacted street-side soils.
Our nursery is located at the University of Vermont's Horticulture Research Center on Green Mountain Drive, where staff assist with preparing planting beds, digging holes, and setting up irrigation.
What trees are planted in the Nursery?
Many people have asked us what species of trees are planted in the Nursery. To see a full list with descriptions click here.
Burlington Community Seeding Nursery
The Burlington Community Seedling Nursery was established by Branch Out Burlington! in 2004. The purpose of the Burlington Community Seedling Nursery is to:
Produce low-cost seedlings for the tree nursery that are adapted to this region to transplant into the BOB! tree nursery.
Sycamore maple seedlings propagated from cuttings
Produce seedlings of trees species not readily available commercially.
Encourage volunteer involvement with the tree nursery and other tree related activities.
Provide educational opportunities for volunteers to learn about tree propagation techniques.
Volunteers collect seeds and nuts locally from various tree species, including yellow and river birch, hackberry, Japanese tree lilac, shagbark hickory and redbud. Cuttings from sycamore maple and curly willow are also prepared. Seedlings that volunteer naturally are also collected locally and transplanted. Seedlings of Japanese maple, redbud, oak and other species started by community members are also gratefully accepted.
Special techniques for treating and storing the seeds prior to planting are used to break dormancy. Seedlings currently in the nursery include: Japanese maple, sycamore maple, redbud, oak, yellow birch, hackberry, linden and curly willow.
Interested in getting involved? Do you have seedlings to share? Contact Margaret Skinner, 802-656-5440, or email: Margaret Skinner