North Star Cherry
Scientific Name: Prunus 'North Star'
Short Description:
A highly productive dwarf cherry tree, North Star yields up to 30 quarts of dark red, sour cherries at maturity, perfect for baking, preserves, and snacking. In early May, it displays a profusion of white blossoms. Ideal for smaller spaces and thrives in moist, well-drained soil. Full sun.
8–10 ft
6–8 ft
Scientific Name: Prunus 'North Star'
Short Description:
A highly productive dwarf cherry tree, North Star yields up to 30 quarts of dark red, sour cherries at maturity, perfect for baking, preserves, and snacking. In early May, it displays a profusion of white blossoms. Ideal for smaller spaces and thrives in moist, well-drained soil. Full sun.
8–10 ft
6–8 ft
Scientific Name: Prunus 'North Star'
Short Description:
A highly productive dwarf cherry tree, North Star yields up to 30 quarts of dark red, sour cherries at maturity, perfect for baking, preserves, and snacking. In early May, it displays a profusion of white blossoms. Ideal for smaller spaces and thrives in moist, well-drained soil. Full sun.
8–10 ft
6–8 ft
The North Star Cherry (Prunus 'North Star') is a dwarf, cold-hardy cherry tree that offers exceptional fruit production in a compact form. This variety is well-known for its ability to produce up to 30 quarts of dark red, sour cherries at full maturity, making it ideal for pies, jams, and fresh eating for those who prefer a tart flavor. In early May, the tree blooms with beautiful white flowers, which provide an early burst of color to the landscape and attract pollinators.
This cherry tree is perfect for smaller yards or tight spaces due to its compact size, reaching a mature height of 8–10 feet and a width of 6–8 feet. It grows best in moist, well-drained soil and requires full sun for optimal fruit production. However, it is important to note that North Star has a very low tolerance for wet soils, so proper drainage is essential for its success.
Cold-hardy to Zone 4, North Star Cherry is an excellent choice for northern climates and provides reliable fruit year after year. Its small stature makes it easy to harvest, and its attractive, dark red cherries are loved by bakers and preservers alike.