Japanese Zelkova
Japanese zelkova is a large, fast-growing, deciduous tree with a spreading, vase-shaped crown, that fills a gap left by the American elm. It typically grows 60-80 ft tall and 40-50 ft wide.

Northern Pin Oak
Majestic Skies™ is a distinct improvement over the species with straighter branching and a more symmetrical shape. The foliage emerges red in spring and is more substantial and darker green than the species. Excellent red fall color. Northern pin oaks prefer to grow in full sun with deep, well-drained soil. Shape: Conical in youth, maturing to broad oval. Exposure: full Sun. Foliage: thick glossy green. Fall Foliage: red foliage. Height: 50-60 ft. Width: 45 ft. Zone: 4.

Tulip Tree
These are large, stately, deciduous trees that typically grow 60-90 ft tall and 35-50 ft wide. Known to reach up to 190 ft tall, this tree is one of the largest of the native trees of the eastern United States.

Northern Catalpa
Northern catalpa (also known as Northern catawba) is a medium-large sized, moderately fast-growing, deciduous tree. It typically grows in full sun and reaches 40-70 ft tall and 20-50 ft wide.

Kentucky Coffee
Kentucky coffee tree is a large, moderately fast-growing, deciduous tree, native to the United States. It is a member of the bean or legume family. The canopy is open, spreading, and rounded in shape. It typically grows in full sun and reaches 60-80 ft tall and 40-60 ft wide.

Bur Oak
Bur oak – also called mossy cup oak – is a large, slow to moderate-growing, deciduous tree. Native to northern and central United States, these majestic oaks are long-lived and grow naturally in open habitats in full sun. The trunk is large and supports a broad-spreading, rounded crown. The deeply furrowed bark is dark gray to brown. Bur oak grows to 60-80 ft tall and wide.

American Sycamore
American sycamore is a large, fast-growing, deciduous tree that grows naturally along waterways. These trees have a rounded growth form, and typically reach 75-100 ft tall (to 150 ft in the wild) by 75-100 ft wide.
Patten Pear & Summercrisp Pear
These small, deciduous trees both reach a height of 15 ft and a width of 12 ft. Fragrant, white flowers bloom in early May. Both pear trees bear medium to large fruit that have excellent fresh eating quality.

Honey Locust – Shademaster
‘Shademaster’ Thornless Honeylocust or honey locust is a fast-growing, large deciduous tree with a graceful vase-shaped form like that of the American elm. ‘Shademaster’ is considered one of the best cultivars of honey locust and typically grows to 45 ft tall and 35 ft wide.

Common Hackberry
Excellent replacement for ash, very tough attractive tree. A native species. Rounded open form. Moderate to rapid grower. Elm-like foliage. Distinct warty, grey bark. Very hardy, tolerates dry, alkaline or acidic soils clay soils and windy conditions. Purple berries attract birds! Full Sun. Grows to a height of 30-40 feet and a width of 30 feet. Zones 3-9. 6 ft.

Freeman Maple – ‘Marmo’
‘Marmo’ is a medium- to large-sized, deciduous tree with a broad columnar shape and strong central leader. These trees grow very quickly and reach 45-70 ft in height and 35-40 ft in width.

Paperbark Maple
The paperbark maple is a small, deciduous tree native to central and eastern China. Growing in full sun to part shade, this tree typically matures to 20-30 ft tall and 15-25 ft wide.

Golden Glory Dogwood
The ‘Golden Glory’ dogwood or Cornelian cherry is a deciduous shrub or small tree native to Europe and Asia. Growing to a height and width of 15–20 ft.

American Basswood
American basswood or linden is a medium to large, fast-growing, deciduous tree with a broad, pyramidal shape. Basswood is native to a wide variety of habitats across eastern North America from Quebec to North Carolina. It grows 75 ft tall and 40 ft wide with a straight trunk.
This elm is a large, fast-growing, deciduous tree with the classic, vase-shaped form of the American elm. Dutch elm disease killed many elms that lined streets across the country, but this tree has great resistance to Dutch elm disease, elm leaf miner, and elm leaf beetle. This elm can reach 50-60 ft tall by 30-40 ft wide.
Native to Vermont, Stunning creamy white snowball-like flowers in late May are followed by purple-black berries attracting birds. Leaves turn a beautiful purple-red in fall. Durable in many soils, has NOT been affected by Viburnum Leaf Beetle. Full sun or partial shade. Grows to a height and spread of 15-20 ft. Zone 2. 6 ft.
Valley Forge American Elm
‘Valley Forge’ has been proven to be highly resistant to Dutch elm disease. Possesses the classic American elm tree shape, transplants easily, is fast growing and exhibits tolerance to salt, drought, poor soil conditions and air pollution. Full sun. Height and spread 60-70 ft. Zone 4. 5 ft.
Renaissance Oasis® Paper Birch
Beautiful landscape addition. Broad dense pyramidal form. Drought tolerant. Bark is a rich mahogany – reddish color turning bright white and flakes off. Dark green leaves turn yellow in the fall. Superior bronze birch resistant to borers. Full to partial sun. Grows to a height of 50-60 ft and a width of 30-40 ft. Zone 3. 5 ft.
Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
Graceful tree for small spaces. Beautiful white flowers in early spring, followed by small red-purple edible fruit in summer. Bright red fall color. Reaches mature size early. The fruit tastes like blueberries and can be made into jams and jellies. Birds will thank you! Plant in full sun to part shade. Grows to a height of 20-25 ft and a width of 15-20 ft. Zones 4-9. 5 ft.